Thursday, June 27, 2013

one bite choux (recipe!)

a few days ago,  i made choux from a regular choux recipe, but i shape it into small pieces then named it one bite choux. because you can eat it directly with a single bite. haha 
and because my husband (and i) love chocolate, so i made a chocolate filling.
the choux is pretty easy to make, but quite tricky. the key is don't open the oven while baking or the choux will collapse when removed from the oven. so, let the oven kept closed during roasting takes place. so are you ready to bake these mini choux? :D

this recipe i got from someone's blog, too bad i forgot to mark the link (my bad). 

so, if you find this recipe when you're googling, please write the link in the comment box below. yes? :)
ok, let's start!

for the choux, 
You'll need: 
130 gr flour
 1/2 tsp salt 
100 grams margarine 
4 eggs 
250 ml of water 

How to Make: 
combine water, salt and margarine then cook until boiling. 
stir in the flour, stirring until soft and well blended.
allow the dough to warm slightly. preheat oven to 200deg. celsius. 
add the eggs into the flour mixture one at a time, stirring constantly or until blended (or you can use a mixer) 
spray or spoon into pastry lined baking sheet baking paper / silicone. 
bake for approximately 25 minutes.
 let them cool in a wire rack then fill with the fiiling.

for the filling,
You'll need: 
800cc milk
 200gr caster sugar 
5 egg yolks 
50gr cornstarch 
2tbsp unswetened cocoa powder 
100cc whipped cream 
1tbsp unsalted butter 

How to make:
combine cornstarch and cocoa with milk, set aside.
beat the egg yolks with a fork, add a little milk, set aside.
boil milk and sugar, put cornstarch mixture, stir well, reduce heat. 
add the yolk mixture into the milk and stir well (stir very fast or your yolks will become scramble eggs, you really really don't want it to happen) 
add the whipping cream, stir again and simmer once again.
remove from heat, put 1 tablespoon butter, melted the butter and stir until well blended.
let it a bit cool, and fill your mini choux!

and you're done!

from 1 recipe i made about 35 mini choux and gone in a blink.
yes one bite and another one bites. lol

enjoy, and good luck for your mini choux! ;)

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